ESOT Grants Programme 2025!

Why Apply for the ESOT Grants Programme? Applying for the ESOT Grants Programme is your chance to drive innovation and make a lasting impact in...

August 31, 2024 | All

ESOT Education Committee – Call for nominations 2024

ESOT members in good standing are welcome to apply for the position above. The new Education Committee Board Members will hold office for 3...

August 5, 2024 | All

New resolution adopted by the World Health Assembly

The World Health Assembly has adopted a resolution titled "Increasing Availability, Ethical Access, and Oversight of Transplantation of Human Cells, Tissues, and Organs." This...

June 24, 2024 | All

Maximise Your Impact with ESOT!

Improving transplant patient outcomes is at the forefront of our mission and, we are eager to collaborate with research teams who share the common...

July 4, 2024 | Basic science | Cell | Composite tissue | General | Heart | Intestine | Islets | Kidney | Liver | Lung | Organ regeneration | Xenograft

International DCD Congress & Consensus: Programme – At A Glance

The International Donation after Circulatory Death (DCD) Congress & Consensus is thrilled to announce the release of the programme overview for the upcoming event,...

June 13, 2024 | General | Organ donation

ESOT Action Day 2024

Ahead of the EU Elections on 6–9 June 2024, we are looking to the future of transplantation, examining the field through a political lens....

April 28, 2024 | All

The molecular landscape of kidney rejection

In the latest issue of Transplant International, Cortes Garcia and colleagues (France) examined bulk RNA sequencing of kidney biopsies. They identified novel genes associated...

August 31, 2024 | All

Treating Split Livers with HOPE

In the latest issue of Transplant International, Rossignol and colleagues (Lyon, France) studied the impact of hypothermic oxygenated perfusion on ex situ split grafts...

July 15, 2024 | All | Liver

Gender Inequities in Access to Transplants

The latest issue of Transplant International features a multicentre Spanish study in which sex-related inequities in access to liver transplantation were investigated. Of 14,385...

June 18, 2024 | All | General

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